This Website provides information on the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry Environmental Assessment Process. This Environmental Assessment (EA) is now underway. The Notice of Commencement for this EA was issued on October 16th, 2023.
The proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry is designated in the Town of Milton Official Plan and zoned under the Town of Milton Zoning By-law No. 016-2014 to permit a quarry. High quality aggregates are required to construct the housing, industry, and infrastructure that is needed to support Ontario's Growth Plan over the coming decades.
A large reserve of Amabel Dolomite limestone, a provincially significant mineral aggregate resource, is located on the Project Site. In 2018, James Dick Construction Limited applied for a Class A License, under the Aggregate Resources Act, to permit the operation of a quarry at the Project Site. All aspects of the quarry operation were examined in detail through the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) Licence Application process. This included the completion of ten (10) technical studies and review and consultation with agencies, the Public, and Indigenous Communities.
In response to public requests, on July 29, 2021 the Province passed a regulation designating the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry under the Environmental Assessment Act. The regulation requires that alternative design methods for carrying out the proposed quarry, specifically blasting and haul route be further assessed through the Environmental Assessment process.
The Regulation was developed to provide a project-specific environmental assessment process which will provide additional opportunities for public consultation and studies, while recognizing the work that has been completed to date pursuant to the ARA application process.